Open Source Laboratory Sample Rotator Mixer

By jpearce

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Open Source Laboratory Sample Rotator Mixer

By jpearce

at 2024-05-12
This is a laboratory sample rotator designed so that can be used for tumbling as well as gentle mixing of samples in a variety of tube sizes by mixing them horizontally, vertically, or any position in between. Changing the mixing angle is fast and convenient and requires no tools. This device is battery powered and can be easily transported to operate in various locations in a lab including desktops, benches, clean hoods, chemical hoods, cold rooms, glove boxes, incubators or biological hoods. For a complete BOM, the code and instructions see [main source page]( and paper here: * Karankumar C. Dhankani, Joshua M. Pearce. [Open Source Laboratory Sample Rotator Mixer and Shaker]( ). ''HardwareX'' 1, pp.1-12 (2017). doi:j.ohx.2016.07.001 [open access]( This is but one example of how to make an Open Source Lab:
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Joined about 10 years ago Western University's Free Appropriate Sustainability Technology (FAST) Research Group

I am a professor that runs Western University's Free Appropriate Sustainability Technology (FAST) research Group Research group. I wrote the Open Source Lab: How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs.


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