An ultra-wideband corrugated horn antenna designed for the 802.11a-ac frequencies. The corrugated horn part was designed by SabinKarki and was resized for 2-6 GHz application. The ridged antenna and the waveguide was build according to the machine drawings of Vegard Midtbøen's Master thesis[1].
The design includes STL files of the parts and a FreeCAD file that serves as a basis for the STL files. The upper waveguide includes a 1mm gap for the SMA-waveguide adapter described in [1].
The antenna is a prototype for testing system in 802.11a-ac frequencies and thus lacks metallic finish necessary for operation and operating characteristics not been measured.
This is a part of coursework for Spring 2018 ELEC-L3999: 3D Printing of Open Source Hardware for Science (Aalto University, Espoo) by Dr. J.M. Pearce.
[1]Midtbøen, V. 2007. 3D Printed Horn Antenna for Ultra Wideband Applications. Master Thesis. University of Oslo. Department of Informatics. Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences. Oslo. 135p. URN:NBN:no-59998. [Accessed 24.03.2018]