Open Pick-N-Place Tape Feeder

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Open Pick-N-Place Tape Feeder

Published at 2024-05-03


63 objects 172 Followers
Joined about 12 years ago Tilburg, the Netherlands


This project now has a home: is part of my efforts to automate assembly of PCBs, using an existing 3D printer with a pick-and-place toolhead instead of acquiring a 40K euro machine. This is a parametric design that can be easily adjusted for various sizes of SMD tape. The gear will also be adjusted depending on the pitch of the tape and components.A tape feeder like this can cost about 1 euro instead of 200 euro's.Like most of my design, it was designed in OpenSCAD, a wonderful tool, especially if you're more of a TUI person than a GUI person.Personally, I really like the recursion that you can print and cut these parts on open source machines and that they will allow you to automatically assemble the PCBs for 3D printers and laser cutters. Also, the laser cutter can be open source, which is what our friends in Utrecht are working on: see, additions, improvements and suggestions may also be prized as part of the Ultimaker challenge: !


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over 10 years
Yes. Pretty nice huh. "Tempo automation" have been doing more in this direction. At first they used an Ultimaker but started working towards a dedicated pick-and-place.
over 10 years
This is amazing! I am so happy to see this type of project being forwarded. Are there any links to this type of setup working in conjunction with a 3D printer to build a device?
almost 11 years
There's a reason to change the project files... That will save people from having a mirrored print. If you want you can send me the updated file at erik - at - ultimaker (dot) com. Not because I don't want to do it myself, but because I want to be sure we change the right one.
almost 11 years
D'oh! It was right in front of my eyes. That's because I always change the project files instead of doing small adaptations in Cura. Thanks again!
almost 11 years
Hi Maddoc, missed your message. You can very easily mirror it back in Cura if you want. Nice to know that the printed gear worked. I made it out of POM back when I designed this.
almost 11 years
Hi, thanks for developing this. Quick question: the lever stl seems mirrored, if you have time could you help with the correct version? BTW, the geared wheel printed fine in PLA and engages the notches correctly.

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