For mounting your Raspberry Pi Zero inside of your prototype device. Pi Zero W fits as well. Gives free access to the GPIO pins while protecting against impact. Open for the camera cable. Comes with or without hole for the micro SDHC card using alternative models. Can easily be covered using a LEGO lid with some space for venting hot air and letting out a 40-pin GPIO cable. The GPIO cable may be blocked if your M2 screws are higher than 4mm, in which case you can connect wires directly.
Legal note: LEGO lost a court case where it was decided that the standard itself cannot be copyrighted because it had mathematical features more suitable for a patent, which would've expired a long time ago if they would've filed for one. According to copyright law, it's okay to print parts compatible with LEGO, but not print a part of a standard design that would violate LEGO's copyright. The LEGO mounts do not immitate the design of LEGO in any other way than the dimensions needed for compatibility. Law is always fuzzy and changing, but this part is certainly both legal and ethical to print by promoting fair competition with better products in robotics.
Printed in PLA on Wanhao Duplicator I3 with compensation for normal line thickness. You must calibrate your printer before printing the LEGO compatible parts, or it won't fit on your LEGO. Then measure to see if your settings need a modification to the inner and outer thickness to the model. Wait for the print to cool off and shrink, then use fine sandpaper until it fits with lego without seams. Drag the soldering-iron quickly over layer lines to increase resistance against impact, dirt and bacterias. Be careful not to overheat any region connected to LEGO, because 20 micrometers off will make it too loose or tight.
Attach the Pi Zero using four M2 screws of 4-10mm length. Use nuts to shorten if you have longer screws than 4mm. Pick LEGO bottoms to solder onto any surface on the case. Align with LEGO pieces and a thin layer for error margins when soldering the first contact points. Use strings of the same filament from the brim to give additional strength along the seams where you don't need to place LEGO parts. Careful not to solder close to the actual LEGO.
To use as a desktop during debugging or control a vehicle remotely, a wireless keyboard with built-in track pad allow using the Pi Zero without a bulky USB hub.