Numark PT01 Scratch Bluetooth Plate

By Michael Heß

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Numark PT01 Scratch Bluetooth Plate

By Michael Heß

at 2024-05-02
I liked the idea of the ScratchToys sound plate, but found its price a tad steep for my taste, and also availability was quite limited these days. So decided to create my own variant of it. Building this project will get you a Bluetooth/SD Card/USB reader module built into your Numark PT01. My primary use case is to allow the looper app on my mobile to stream its audio without a 3,5mm cable to the PT01 (#lookMomNoCables!) But is also offers media player capabilities from SD card or Bluetooth, so you could even put your beats on let's say an SD card and it effectively turns your PT01 into a truly independent one-in-all mobile scratch solution. The Line In connector still works as well as it's input is routed through the BT module and can be selected as an input. I cannot tell if the USB port still works, but I would not see any reason why it wouldn't.

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