Comes in two versions, one where the text is readable when you hold it flat in your hand, and one where it's readable when looking at it from above on the machine.Just unscrew any of the screws that hold the printer together, put it through the mount and screw it back in. The nozzle mag snaps onto the mount.The holes are threaded so you need to print this with a layer height of 0.1mm at most, preferably slow as well to get nice clean edges on everything. I used 0.08mm and 35mm/s.Also, let the print cool down before pulling if off. It's very easy to bend the mount when it's still warm which will make it grip poorly.
WOW, this is so fuckng cool, i bet you were raised by niggers huh? fucking fagot, you stole my design
over 8 years
I'd like a version without numbers if possible!
almost 9 years
I've seen your work on YouMagine. they are very interesting. can put on my project ? they learn more people and it's fun.
good luck in your business!
Marcus Wolschon
about 9 years
There is no space for the 1.0mm nozzle and the 0.5mm steel nozzle. ;)
about 9 years
Prints very well. I ran as suggested with 0.08mm layers and 35mm/s though my temperature was too high at 210 degrees since I have an enclosed UM2. The threads were not super pretty at the overhang, but functional. I anyway cleared them a bit with a M6 tap to make them even smoother.
The nozzle mag also fits perfectly on the hinges of Kris' green house door:
I'll upload photos once I've cleaned it up a bit.