My first project on the Ultimaker, designed before I had the printer so I was surprised when it actually printed. There is something magical about holding something you designed for the first time.Only of use if you can find the same kitchen timer and USB cameraI used Alibre CAD to design this and as it was my first design, it was very messy. I'll upload the files when I track the correct versions down
- David or another scanning software that uses a USB camera and a laser line generator
- Correct model USB camera (to follow)
- Kitchen timer (picture to follow)
Your houses may have been less complicated to design but they have a far wider appeal. Plenty of board games use houses.
In my book nothing comes close to you having printed your own cake toppers for your wedding though. That tops it all :)
over 11 years
So, this means people can save a thousand bucks on compared to buying the Makerbot Digitizer ;)
Cool first design. Mine was a house of settlers of Catan, and I thought that was already pretty magical.