(Note: there is a new smaller version available on my site: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/music-notes-fidget-spinner-v2-mini)
This fidget spinner helps learning note names of the notes below, above or on the four ledger lines, above or below the staff you use.
The idea is, to keep it in your pocket, an use it when there is nothing else to do.
Each side of the spinner has only four notes to practice. Practicing a small group of notes at one time makes it easier to memorize.
Each time the spinning stops, you can look at the upper picture on the spinner, to practice the ledger notes below the staff. Or, if you look at the bottom picture on the spinner, than you can practice the ledger notes above the top of the staff.
Your support kindly accepted here: https://paypal.me/ZigaM3.
Or here, with LBRY (LBC) credits, through my Odysee channel: https://odysee.com/@ZigaMDIY:9