This is a mount for the Sharp GP2Y0A710K0F. It's a Distance Measuring Sensor Unit with a range of 100 to 550 cm and a non-linear analog output.It takes approximately 1 hour to do a normal quality print with just over 1m of PLA (Ultimaker2). It can swing 160 degrees.This is the datasheet: sensor is the largest in the family and the output signal is a bit noisy, so I used the excellent Median filter from Jeroen to calm it down a bit., getting the correct voltage to cm formula is a bit annoying. Below is what I ended up with (for Arduino) after graphing output numbers in Excel. It probably differs slightly per sensor and power supply.!
I usually design things in Sketchup to print stuff on my UM1 or UM2. The designs are always accompanied by their source files for editing and a collada file for printing but if you want a particular format, just ask.