I wanted a little more torque (1:3 gearing) and also better filament grip. So I made a case that fits two gt2 pulleys and set of bondtech gears.
Tension screw
(x1)extruder tension spring
(x1)m3 screw L50mm to tension latch
(x1) m3 brass incert L4mm for tension screw knob
(x1)m3 screw L30mm on latch hinge
(x2)m3 spacer L4mm ID3mm OD6mm on hinge
Top case
(x3) m3 screw L30mm to fascen top case to center case
(x1) m3 brass incert L4mm for tension screw
(x3) m3 spacer L4mm ID3mm OD6mm for filament insert and hinge
(x1) mr128 bearing L3.5 ID8mm OD12mm for 8mm extruder shaft
(x1) bowden coupler M9 thread 6mm tube insert
Center case
(x3) m3 brass incert L4mm to fascen top fasceners
(x1) mr128 bearing L3.5 ID8mm OD12mm for 8mm extruder shaft
(x3) m3 screw L28mm to fascen center case to bottom case
Bottom case
(x4) m3 brass incert L4mm for center fasceners
(x1) mr128 bearing L3.5 ID8mm OD12mm for 8mm extruder shaft
(x2) m3 screw L11mm to fascen top part of extruder
(x2) m3 screw L25mm to fascen bottom part of extruder
Additional parts
(x1) Shaft L55mmxD8mm (may have to add your own flat)
(x1) bondtech gear (3mm filament version) set with W4mmxL22mm rode
(x1) Gt2 60T pulley, belt width 10mm, center hold ID 8mm
(x1) Gt2 20T Pulley, belt width 10mm, center hole ID 5mm
Note: when tightening to motor shaft gear should protrude from shaft by .5 to 1mm
(x1) Gt2 closed loop belt L150mmxW10mm
(x4) m3 washers when fascening bolts to extruder motor
Shaft assembly (8mm)
bearing (from bottom case)
1mm spacer
pulley 60t (grub screw side "up")
.5mm spacer
bearing/center case
4mm spacer
bondtech gear
.5mm spacer
bearing/top case
Update Ultimaker firmware
download Tinkergnome:
Upload using cura:
settings --> printer --> Manage printers --> Select printer and click update firware --> Upload custom Firmware
Change esteps on extruder
Maintenance --> Advanced --> preferences --> Motion settings --> Axis steps/mm
Change E from 282 to 587 (number derived from calibration test)
Save changes
Invert extruder direction
Maintenance --> Advanced --> preferences --> Motion settings --> Invert Axis
Invert E
Save changes
(optional) Run a 100mm calibration test
Create a file called "calibration.gcode" and add the following entries
G1 E100.0 F300
Save it to an SD card and print it. It should move 100mm of filament through the extruder.
Must use button head M3 screws
Use grease on bondtech gears
Use loctite on screws
Printed the case at 30mm/sec