All files are printable without supports. Several parts have intentional covers over holes, which will need to be broken before use. this is for maximum printability.
I remodeled the following files from scratch, changing measurements, and adding usability features along the way. links to original models:
E3D Mounting adapter - by bbenchoff
PCB 40mm Fan Mount - by kingofl337
Z-Axis Guide Rod Clamps - by kingofl337
Control Knob Extender - by seagas (Mine is modified to be shorter)
40mm E3D Fan Shroud, originally 30mm E3D Fan Shroud, by Tony Sleck, via MP Select Mini Owners Facebook Group
The "Manifold" STL differs only in one regard, the hole covers have been converted from separate entities, to be a manifold part of the mesh. this is in case you choose not to use the hole covers, you may split the other model into parts and remove the hole covers.
I highly recommend printing in a high temperature material, as some of these parts sit close to the heater block. DO NOT USE PLA FOR HOTEND MOUNT OR FAN DUCT.