Mod for NeoTko's Symmetric Dual Fans UMO/UMO+ 40mm

By Amedee

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Mod for NeoTko's Symmetric Dual Fans UMO/UMO+ 40mm

By Amedee

at 2024-05-02
This is a simple contribution to NeoTko's Symmetric Dual Fans system. I used NeoTko's fan since quite some time, but the 'L' brackets supporting the fans were not rigid enough and the weight of the fans combined with the temperature make that the fan shroud will deform after a while. It is not a problem when you actually use the fan, but more when you have long hot prints without fan. I decided to replace the 'L' brackets by a fiber plate (carbon, G10, ...). This is much more rigid than the printed parts and is not affected by temperature. The only thing you will find here is the plate (in STEP, SVG and DXF format), for the shroud itself, you need to download the original project (1) : - "For Amedee Mod Umofancap40x40v3" for the shroud - "For Amedee Mod Umofancap40x40v3 Scalabletops" for the spacers between the plate and the cap to tune the cap height. The height of the spacers depends on your setup. The drawing in the documents illustrates what I have: - Plate mounted 7mm below the hot-end holder - G10 plate of 2.5mm - Scalable tops (spacers) of 1.4mm This is for an Olsson/E3D nozzle, the stock Ultimaker one is longer... (1):

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