Minimal Face Shield for Letter Sized Plastic w/ CAD Files

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Minimal Face Shield for Letter Sized Plastic w/ CAD Files

Published at 2024-05-06

By Jon W.

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Jon W.

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Joined about 5 years ago


This is designed to be a speed print variant similar to Mojo's Speedprint remix of the Prusa RC2 but with a shield fit closer to RC1. The main reason I modeled my own from scratch was to create a CAD file that others can readily modify to meet their needs. The CAD model was made to facilitate easy modification and tweaking of dimensions. At the moment, it is optimized for Letter-sized plastic with 7mm holes space 4.25" apart, the de facto standard in USA and Canada. The CAD model utilizes variables and equations to aid tweaking dimensions as needed. For example, by changing the VisorHoleCount variable, one can automatically change the model to accommodate 4 holes instead of 3. Changing the VisorEndHoleSpacing variable from 215.9mm (8.5" for USA and Canada standard triple hole) allows you to adjust the spacing of the end holes. Print Dimensions: 147x185mm (5.8"x7.3") Onshape Link:


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ChiRag Chaudhari
ChiRag Chaudhari
almost 5 years
Thank you so much your design. It is making difference in Champaign-Urbana community. If possible can you please add one more tab on both ends to hold the corners of the sheet in place. I think it will help sheet from flopping. One again thanks for the design. I have been printing them non stop.

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