Mini Spool Adapter for UM3 Series

By kmanstudios

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Mini Spool Adapter for UM3 Series

By kmanstudios

at 2024-05-12
Basically two adapters for the UM3 series to hold mini-spools such as on the Taulman 1lb. Spools. The small version has no threading part and the full version has the threading part. I had to make this because that stuff is sproingy as hell and rewinding it onto a full sized spool was not easy to do or keep straight. Also allows for the netting to remain in place as recommended by Taulman. Designed for flexibility. There are two versions so that people can choose which they want to use and print. All pivot points aligned to create an interior double wall that is stronger than a 90° angle for the holder to the spool rod. This is illustrated in one of the pics. Can also choose individual infills as desired. I prefer the full holder as it aligns the filament to feed much better. Included the adapter and just the spool for flexibility for the users. This print still needs a bit more polishing to make it look good, but, hey, wanted to get it up. I need to clean it a bit. Printed in Polycarbonate for strength. Makes clean up a bit difficult (3 x-acto blades so far) but who wants a spool to fail during a print?
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