Mini music notes fidget spinner V2

By ZigaM

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Filament: white PLA Recommended layer height: 0.2mm Printing surface: glass Object consists of 2 parts: spinner body with notes, and a central part. In your slicer you should cut the bodies into upper and lower half. After printing, glue the spinner body halves first (with a superglue), then insert a half of the central part and glue the other half onto it. (Note: spinner also works well without the central part so you can omit it.) To make the lines and notes visible, you can: a.) print the top and bottom parts with two filaments of different colors by stopping the print at an appropriate height and swapping the filaments, b.) simply color them with a sharpie. The example on the picture has been printed in PLA, with 0.2mm layer height and a filament change to make notes an lines visible.
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