Minecraft Steve

By fantom

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Minecraft Steve

By fantom

at 2024-05-03
This is scale model of the Minecraft character 'Steve' - the character you play in the game.  It's based on Irdfang's 'Guy' model (thingiverse last I checked), but I decided it needed more character, so I've added hair, clothes and a face.  In total, the changes the scad file are:   - Added hair and face   - Added a shirt to the body, with a cut out for the neckline   - Added sleeves to the arms   - Made it easier to produce individual parts of the model   - Flipped the Z axis so that it's the right way up   - Cleaned the programming for readability and reuse of code.  There are two sets of STL files.  One with 'pins', which can be printed separately, then clipped together and allow the model to be moved.  The non-pin STLs need to be glued together.The creeper in the photo is my 'Minecraft Creeper' model if you are interested.



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