Minecraft Creeper lamp

By AgentSCAD

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Minecraft Creeper lamp

By AgentSCAD

at 2024-05-06
Designed to be printed with 5 colors printer (ie MK3 + MMU2). It can still be printed with less colors by merging parts in the slicer. ### Supplies needed * 12V LED Strip cut to get a load of about 6W: * example: https://www.amazon.fr/YXH-%C3%A9tanche-flexibles-%C3%89clairage-D%C3%A9coration/dp/B019Q6JVTO/ref=sr_1_8 * 12V Power supply (min 6W) with 5.5 plug. Better with integrated switch: * example: https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B07XQZ8X3Z/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00 * Female 5.5 plug for case mount: * example: https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B08NCZBJD4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s01 * 20mm diameter spring (length 50mm): * example: https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B07NVDRNXL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s01 * 4xM3 screws for body mount: * min thread length: 10 mm * max thread length: 20 mm * 4xM3 screws for door mount: * min thread length: 10 mm * max thread length: 17 mm * The design requires a round shaped head (ie Allen screws) ### Printing * The body+foot part needs supports on the bed, * Every part of the Head must be printed with 100% infill: * We don't want to see the infill pattern through the shaders, * There are some lithophane effects on front part that require this as well, * I used 0.2 mm layer height for head parts and 0.3 mm layer height for everything else but there is no real constraint on this parameter. ### Source Ready to print STL files are attached but the source code is available for modifications * The source code is a scad file: https://github.com/GillesBouissac/agentscad/blob/master/things/minecraft/creeper-lamp * Before opening the file you need to install the Basic Prerequisites of my library: https://github.com/GillesBouissac/agentscad/wiki/Prerequisites ### Assembly 1) Insert cable in the body ![01_cable](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217252/carousel_01_cable.overlay.png "01_cable") 2) Screw the 5.5 plug in the ground part ![02_cable](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217253/carousel_02_cable.png "02_cable") 3) Screw the ground to the body ![03_body-screwing](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217254/carousel_03_body-screwing.overlay.png "03_body-screwing") 4) Solder the LED strip ![04_led-soldered](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217255/carousel_04_led-soldered.overlay.png "04_led-soldered") 5) Glue the LED around the body ![05_led-spiral](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217256/carousel_05_led-spiral.png "05_led-spiral") 6) Use strong Glue for the tip of the LED strip ![06_led-tip](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217257/carousel_06_led-tip.overlay.png "06_led-tip") 7) Solder the wires in the ground part ![07_plug-soldered](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217258/carousel_07_plug-welded.png "07_plug-soldered") 8) Screw the ground door ![08_door-screwing](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217259/carousel_08_door-screwing.overlay.png "08_door-screwing") 9) You can add pads that will hide the screws and add grip ![09_door-grip](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217260/carousel_09_door-grip.png "09_door-grip") 10) The body part is done after you add the spring ![10_head-spring](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217261/carousel_10_head-spring-overlay.png "10_head-spring") 11) Head assembly * Head shaders are all different and only left and right can be swapped, * Before gluing them do some testing to be sure they fit well, * You can glue head shaders in any order ![11_head-parts](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217262/carousel_11_head-parts.png "11_head-parts") ![12_head-glue-1](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217263/carousel_12_head-glue-1.png "12_head-glue-1") ![13_head-glue-2](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217264/carousel_13_head-glue-2.png "13_head-glue-2") ![14_assembled](https://www.youmagine.com/uploads/image/file/217265/carousel_14_assembled.png "14_assembled") Results *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_PnrYcluRs*

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