Minecraft Creeper

By fantom

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Minecraft Creeper

By fantom

at 2024-05-03
This is scale model of the Minecraft CreeperUnder the covers it's a relatively minor rework of the creeper found here:http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:8346Changes are: - Increased the depth of the toes, making their size a parameter - Deepened the holes for the face, made the depth a parameter - Parameterised the creation of the connecting holes for the legs. It's possible to print the body & legs as a single piece. - Flipped the Z axis, so that it's up the right way in the scad file - Cleaned the scad file a bit for readability, reused code for legs/toes.There are two and a half sets of STL files.   - One with 'pins', which can be printed separately, then clipped together and allow the model to be moved.   - For a bit of variety there is a minor variant of this where the legs connect to the body with a glue-in 'pin-plate'.  I found this useful sometimes as printing a vertical pin on top of the legs is often problematic, whilst printing the pin plate on its side is quite easy.   - The non-pin STLs need to be glued together.The Steve in the photo is my 'Minecraft Steve' model if you are interested.



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