Hey! Check out this video to see why and how I made this: https://youtu.be/crpTvGrWdM4
So I'm sure not a lot of people have a need for this, but someone
might, so I posted it anyway. This is the part that allows the mic stand
to attach to the arm that holds the microphone (or camera in my case). I
designed it to be pretty much exactly like the original that broke. But
the original was metal and this is plastic, so this part is very
fragile and probably shouldn't be used for a real solution. But it is
holding. I've been using it for about a week now and I've been careful,
so it hasn't broken. This was more of a test to see if I could tap a
print myself. And it worked! Success. :)
I printed this at .3mm layer height, PLA, and no supports. It took a little over a half an hour to print.