This part was designed to make use of a Pentax-M f1.7 50mm lens with my Panasonic G7.
I have spent hours refining the dimensions, it is finely tuned. Your printer may vary :(
Included are Inventor 2017 part files, STLs, 100% infill region files, IDW drawings, and PDF Drawings.
Print and cleanup both parts, test fit both lenses, then fine-tune infinity focus, before gluing parts together, making sure lens remains straight and infinity focus remains sharply on the moon or other infinity object. At first I use a few drops of super glue.
Reinforce glue with more glue, applied a generous amount of 2-part epoxy to inside and outside seams. As it sets I would check that focus has not shifted.
Sand inside and outside surfaces (not mounts). Paint inside with matte black spray paint (to prevent reflective distortions). Try to get as matte and as dark as possible. Paint outside if desired.
Admire the Greatness!