I remember viewing this build earlier and there were files for several parts, does that build still exist? The entire gun as a solid piece is too large for my printer to accommodate so I was hoping the old build was still around.
about 8 years
I'm still painting and assembling my gun, so I don't have great advice for you yet, but here's what I've noticed.
Pricel_Pipka and Pricel_Top are definitely separate pieces, and would have to be glued together. For most of the Mercy skins (or to be specific, Classic, Celestial, Mist, Orchid, Verdant, Fortune, Valkyrie and Witch), these two pieces are different colors. This is making it easier for me to paint the pieces, by painting each piece a solid color (or you can print with different colors of filament), then gluing them together later.
In the video, it looks like they've pre-glued Back_Body, Back_Glow, and Body_Under together, as well as Pricel_Pipka and Pricel_Body, then snapped the two sets together. You could join the STL files together before re-printing, but I think the little bit of gluing shouldn't be too bad.
Hopefully you'll get your gun complete soon, as will I. This is definitely a great design!
about 8 years
Hello, I am trying to make this gun, and so far each part is coming out very nicely and are very easy to assemble. However, I noticed that the Pricel Pipka and the Pricel Top parts are two separate .stl files, while in your assembly video, they look like they were one solid piece. I have already printed them, and it doesn't look like there's any way of connecting these two parts without using some sort of glue.
Is there any way to connect these two pieces properly? Or would I have to either glue them together, or reprint them as one whole piece?