Medium to Large Conversion Numbered Bases

By Ralnarene

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Medium to Large Conversion Numbered Bases

By Ralnarene

at 2024-05-06
I needed some new bases to convert from medium (25mm/1 inch) to large (50mm/2 inch) size creatures, so I decided to make some from scratch this time. Edges are filleted so they are easier to get off the print bed without rafting and are more comfortable to pick up. The center section is chamfered in case of bases that are slightly larger than 25mm. The rim is to help with unbased miniatures. If you like my designs and makes, please visit my blog at
13 objects 2 Followers
Joined almost 4 years ago Sol 3

I mostly print tabletop RPG terrain elements, to bring some depth to my games. Also, because small objects don't require as much of a time commitment to print. My previous printer was prone to failure, and I downsized on my current printer partly becau...


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