MasterSpool for 3D printing Filament (V4)

By RichRap

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almost 7 years
I like the idea and design of this spool, but I have 2 in 1 proposal. Basic idea would be "make it smaller" or "make smaller version available". How I mean smaller? It means smaller outer diameter to fit "smaller" printers. We can go even further and support smaller amount of filament, than 750g. * Reason 1: In my case, I have access to printer with build area around 300x300 mm, but printers I have at home are all around 170 mm (for example: delta with 170 mm diameter and cartesian with 180x180 mm real print area). * Reason 2: Don't need whole ~1kg of filament. This would need support from filament manufacturer, but I saw it once. One local manufacturer made series of spools in weight 250g and I absolutely loved those. Because I'm not heavy printer and most of my prints use small amount of filament. Small spools are ideal for storing and amount of filament on them is just fine for most prints. I have full cabinet of spools I don't want to use, just because I don't like that filament anymore, or it's degraded by time. I have printed mostly half of filament from it.
almost 7 years
End of filament management : could you put 3 or 4 slots instead of just one ? That way, the end of the filament will be kept close to the spoll, and we won't have up to 10 inch floating around! Thanks!
Timster Postma
Timster Postma
almost 7 years
I wanted to mention i like how your helping preventing waste but you also need to think of larger spool sizes in addition to these ones such as 2.2kg spools , 5kg spools ,10 kg spools , 20 kg spools & 25kg spools all of which should be available with masterspools Even though orginally in january i did have a idea for a masterspool even though i had a idea to invent my own version of the masterspool , what your doing is beyond the capablity of what version i was at first thinking of Finally This is a idea for you, in case you couldnt get the chance to reiceve my tweet on my twitter @TimPatAlPostma
almost 7 years
Small error in the #MasterSpool text, Part_B, some areas have higher raised areas than others.
almost 7 years
Why are the print settings missing? What layer height is good? 0.2? 0.25?
almost 7 years
Maybe it would be good feature to have 6 or so tie wrap slots cut into the side and into the center. This would allow for rebanding of the partially used fillament and would allow manufacturers to spool on the master spool, tie wrap and remove the fillament.
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Richard Horne (RichRap) is an Electronics Engineer, Product Designer, Salesman, and Problem Solver working in a wide range of industries and applications, across many platforms and technologies for the last 20 years. My inte...


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