With the lack of snow this winter snowmen needed a makers touch to continue on. Half moss, half snow, Makey the mossman is the next step forward for snowman kind. With the ability to replace Rudolph with his twist-able hat that shines bright or fight crime using his MAKE signal to gather makers from far and wide. The ultimate product of evolution this little guy is a perfect excuse togo for a stroll with the kids to collect some moss and make a piece of living art for your home. Hopefully more Makey the mossmen will be found in the wild after today's discovery!Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyn2OoMXsMk How to make it: -each picture has a little bit of information on how to get it together so ill just go over print settings here Print settings Tophat
-10% infill, 3 layer top, use black PLA with supports Body
-vase mode, no top layers
*Watch out for cooling issues like I had near the top of the spheres could have easily fixed it but ran out of white filament :(
-10% infill, 3 layer top, use white PLA with supports NotesI was able to get my .8 nozzle working so I could print at .6 layer height which gave a cool layered look and feel to the print like snow!I am really new to printing so its possible you might be able to get better settings and results but this is a good starting point. I did my best to make the model as simple for the user and the printer. Feedback is always welcome if you think theres something that can be done better.
White filament,
Black Filament,
LED twist Lightup (www.100candles.com), Soldering iron or dremel,
Any additional snowman decoration (Red scarf etc)