Makey Eggmass

By Lyssens Yves

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Makey Eggmass

By Lyssens Yves

at 2024-05-02
Last Updated 2015-12-15The egg is a one-piece print with 18 hinges and a screw mechanismto control the opening of the ornament. There are some cooltechniques in this model that I would like to show you in detail. usage is very simple: Print the egg in one piece, grab a coin andopen the egg gently.  The first time you open the egg there are 18SmartBridges that will break (it makes a pretty cool sound, if I say somyself). Then you need to screw your coin clockwise to open it.The first time it will be a bit rough (don't worry, it won't break), but afteronce having been opened and closed, it will open and close easily.Print Instructions:This model is printed on a Replicator 2 with standard settings.LayerHeight: 0.2mm.No Raft - No Support.If you use another slicer then you need to make sure that the bottomlayer is at 100% or less.SmartBridge:I haven't seen this technique before, that’s why I named it so - hopefully Iam the first one :-). The concept is very simple. To create a horizontalone-piece hinge, I've added a small bridge of about 0.4mm right beneaththe hinge. Once the hinge is getting moved, the support bridge breaksand the hinge is free to move.See images for more detail.StencilWallA stencilWall is a simple way to add some color to your print.It's a tight layer around your models with some shape in it. This way itcan be sprayed easily. I also created a seam in the wall for easyremoval.See images for more detail.unfinished time-lapse would like to thank: Makezine: For making this contest happen, of course.Ultimaker: For support.3DHubs for connecting designers and 3d printers.JATMN ,Sybren_Zwetsloo, 3Dvangelist for test-printing my design and providing the necessary feedback to make the model usefull on different printers3Dvangelist tested the print on a Da Vinci PROLayerHeight: 0.2mm.No Raft - No Support. JATMN tested the print on a Wanhao Duplicator 4 using Simplify3D LayerHeight: 0.2mm.Infill: 20%No Raft - No Support.Sybren_Zwetsloo tested the print on a ultimaker 2LayerHeight: 0.2mm.Infill: 20%No Raft - No Support.ProTip:Since the design is egg-shaped, you can also use it for next Easter(saves you material and time).

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Hi,  I'm Yves,  a 3d printing enthousiast. I am following the 3d scend for a couple of years now,  and I think love great friendly community around it. most of my design experiences came from online learning. For a living ...


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