Macbook and Laptop Multifuntion Base/Stand - No supports! Mouse & USB device storage!

By the3dcoder

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Macbook and Laptop Multifuntion Base/Stand - No supports! Mouse & USB device storage!

By the3dcoder

at 2024-05-09
Device Features: -No supports needed, slice and go! -Large Macbook & Device Base -4 Standard USB/2 SD/4 MicroSD card slots -Magic Mouse/Large oval device internal storage -Cylindrical holes for pens/stylus's -Internal power cord pathway for charging Model Explanation: This design originated as a need to position macbook & larger devices angled and elevated off a desk for use in ios device debugging & app development. Though the keyboard can be used when a device is on the base, it was not the intended function, so be aware. It's been a very handy model that I use daily. Always open for new suggestions/additions!
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