This is an extra part for Roberts brilliant "Low friction UM2 spoolholder" and will allow the usage a 100 mm bolt, so no cutting and grinding involved. Designed to guide the 608_nut to the threaded 608_core2, but improve overall looks aswel.The 608_encap is designed for the 100 mm m8 "laagbolkopschroef" from Sencys (see pictures), which should be available at the Praxis hardwarestore in The Netherlands. Also 2 of the M8 nuts from the original design were replaced with 2 washers each, for a cleaner/tighter fit.
- >>> Parts from Low friction UM2 spoolholder by IRobertI >>>
- 608_core1
- 608_core2
- 608_mount
- 608_nut
- 608_spacer (-2mm)
- >>> Parts from hardwarestore e.g. >>>
- 1x m8 100mm bolt (Censys laagbolkopschroef)
- 4x washers
- 2x 608 bearings