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Looping Louie Erweiterung für 8 Spieler | Looping Louie extension for up to 8 players

Published at 2024-05-02

By 3Dapfel



22 objects 31 Followers
Joined about 8 years ago germany


Looping Louie Erweiterungs- Winkel für das original Hasbro Spiels um weitere 4 Spieler. Dazu werden aus zwei original Spielen ein Spiel für 8 Spieler zusammenestellt. Nochmal, man benötigt zwei original Spiele von Looping Loui und 4 Winkelstücke, damit man ein 8 Spieler Spiel zusammenstellen kann. Hier wird als keine Raubkopie von Looping Loui erstellt. Looping Louie extension pack for the original Hasbro game. With the extension blocks two regular games will be combined to one game for 8 players. Again, you need two original Looping Loui games abd 4 adapter blocks to create an eight players game. This is not a pirat copy to create a Looping Loui game.


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almost 6 years
Thank you! Good to see that we all work together here.
over 7 years
Hi 3D Apfel, just found these awesome pieces for my LL-project (fixed on a wood plate, external power supply, several velocities with one dirty skirmish mode). They provide an easy, but really tight second connection for each existing arm. At the last party everything worked fine and even after few hours of heavy duty the connectors were still fine. Thumbs up for that nice idea ! Thank you very much

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