Little Red Wagon

By gzumwalt

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Printed on an Ultimaker 2 Extended in PLA at .1mm, 50%. Print two each of "Wheel.stl", "Wheel And Axle.stl" and "Pin Handle.stl". Print one each of the remaining parts. Prior to assembly, test fit and trim, file, sand, etc. all parts as necessary for smooth movement of moving surfaces, and tight fit for non moving surfaces. Depending on the colors you chose and your printer settings, more or less trimming, filing and/or sanding may be required. I assembled my Little Red Wagon as follows: 1) There are two small "fences" located on the build plate side on each end of "Bogie Rear.stl" used for support during printing of "Bogie Rear.stl". Carefully remove these fences using a modeling knife and small pliers prior to assembly. 2) Press "Bogie Rear.stl" into the large rectangular hole in the bottom of "Wagon Body.stl". 3) Slide one "Wheel And Axle.stl" through the holes in "Bogie Rear.stl", then press one "Wheel.stl" onto the non-wheeled end of "Wheel And Axle.stl". 4) Slide "Pin Bogie Front.stl" into the round whole in the top of "Wagon Body.stl", then press "Bogie Front.stl" onto the pin. Make sure "Bogie Front.stl" rotates freely. 5) Position "Handle.stl" between the forks on "Bogie Front.stl", then attach with the two "Pin Handle.stl". Make sure "Handle.stl" rotates freely. Move some stuff around your desktop!



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