I got annoyed by our
doorbell (very loud and heartstopping schrill sound) and I startet
building one using a arduino controller but then I realised that it
would be much more fun to be able to change/ install doorbell sounds via
network on the doorbell, no SD card removing and plugging into the
cardreader and plugging back in, just ssh or ftp into your doorbell and
upload a new soundfile!
When the new Raspberry Pi model A+ came out it was setteled and I
needed a nice enclosure for the electronics and the two loudspeakers.
Printing the case
isn't easy but its doable, I included my gcode file created with
Simplify3D for my Makergear M2 printer. I printed this with PLA and used
a raft.
The Raspberry Pi Model A+ is mounted on two slides (see included file) which fit into the enclosure.
The doorbell button is connected to GPIO7 and is beeing read via event_detect (interrupt) in python.
The loudspeakers are driven by a Stereo 3.7W Class D Audio Amplifier - MAX98306 which I bought here:
The loudspeakers are 3" 4 Ohms 3Watt and have to be glued into the case:
http://www.exp-tech.de/Zubehoer/Sonstige-101/Lautsprecher-3-Durchmesser-4-Ohm-3-Watt.html Usually in Germany there is a little 8V/1A AC transformer in the
electrical cabinet for the standard doorbell. I replaced it with a 5V/
2.4A DC switching supply for DIN-Rail from Reichelt electronics: