Lego figure

By jjheiszwolf

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Lego figure

By jjheiszwolf

at 2017-10-27
Print of Lego figure. When printed one to one scale on the Ultimake 2+ the parts really fit. However the resolution of the Ultimake 2+ is just a bit too low. When printed one-to-one scale the legs will actually fit real Lego blocks and the parts are exchangeable with real Lego figures. More fun is to print the model on larger scale, for example 2.5 times as the pictures show. Fitting of the parts is then more loose and some teflon tape is required to make the parts fit, of course epoxy glue does a perfect (permanent) job. The heads provided in this model are (1) design of a Lego head, (2) scan of yours truly with modified eyes and hair and (3) scan of the head of a young man.
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Joined over 8 years ago Brussels area, BELGIUM

Fully equipped woodworking and metal workshop assisted by Ultimaker 2+ printer. Design and builds are artistic mechanical models in wood, brass & bronze and printable plastics. Capability for casting in aluminum, brass and bronze.


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