Led garden lights

By zoev89

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Led garden lights

By zoev89

at 2024-05-02
I made a garden led light. The design is based on Cree XM-L2 led which can be powered up to 3A. My first example is powered at 300mA and the cooler is overrated for that current but I intend to change that later to 1A.The front of the lamp is covered with 2mm Plexiglas for transparency. I printed the lamp with colorfabb XT transparent and I painted the lamp with Tamya X22 transparent to make sure the lamp is watertight. The first example is a double lamp.How they hold over time is still difficult to tell only time will tell me.Update:Getting them water tight is difficult. My plan now is to fill the bottom part with resin like material up to the wire connection so no water can get in via that route.
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