Laser Air Nozzle 43mm Spindle Adapter

By CNC and 3D Printer Lasers

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Laser Air Nozzle 43mm Spindle Adapter

By CNC and 3D Printer Lasers

at 2024-05-06
Originally designed to work with Opt Lasers cutting and engraving laser heads, the following file spawns a Laser Air Nozzle that can enable you to produce higher quality items during a laser cutting or engraving procedure. The nozzle creates a path for the airflow that can lower the temperature at the laser engraving or cutting site, effectively eradicating the possibility of potential defects. The defects it prevents include a randomized colour along the engravement, varying cutting depth, or a net of veins spreading from the engravement/cutting site. This nozzle was designed to work with the Opt Lasers cutting and engraving laser heads. The file can also be downloaded for free from the company’s webpage: To find out more about the engraving and cutting laser heads this nozzle was designed to work with, check out the following page:

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