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Laminar Flow Fan plate

Published at 2024-05-03

By qboney



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Joined over 10 years ago


The turbulence is reduced, providing for more controlled flow and pressure.Curved blades generated less noise but at the expense of loss in performance caused by the fact that curved blades stall (turbulent air flow) at a lower static pressure than straight blades.Similar design can be seen in Noctua NF-F12 fans and SilverStone Air Penetrator fans.Check this video out from SilverStone to see the concept:'ve printed the 92mm and 120mm versions, and they work.This design works on curved edge fans that rotate in counter clockwise direction (about 99.9% of fans).I haven’t measured the change in the P-Q curve, but would imagine it creates and entire new curve.I sliced with Cura in Repetier Host V1.0.2 without problems.Plate should be mounted on the exhaust, with the letter Q facing out.20-August: Added 40mm V4 plate. This is a little tricky to print, because of thinner blades. But the performance is more in-line with the others. I tested on Fan FD244010HB and only had a loss of flow of 2-4% with a gain in pressure from 15-20%.


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over 10 years
Thank you Jelle. I was looking for a way to proof out the pressure and flow, so i bought an anemometer and a manometer. So far results are looking good, and the design is changing with further tests.
over 10 years
did you notice that they cheat in their video? Their 'small hole to simulate restricted airflow' is not what these axial fans are designed for. It is no wonder that all these fans have little output: they are all stalled!. Have a proper intake opening and you might not see the smoke at all; it is blown out too fast. Their gizmo does probably work in that it converts the fan in a radial fan of some sorts. It will function, but not as good as a radial fan designed for the job, or a axial fan in its correct operating condition. Most 'fan ducts' here abuse axial fans by restricting the outflow opening too much. This thingy might help these fans work a little better. A cover plate for the other side that has an opening about as large as the central hub (to restrict air escaping from the high pressure outer ring) may help too.

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