Time for Christmas, time for a less boring package for the cash my nephews will get. Last year it took them all of 5 seconds to get at their cash, hopefully this one will take them a little bit longer. There's only one correct path and I tried to make it so that it's easy to slide past the correct exits, time will tell if it's effective.As always, please post pictures if you decide to make one. I've spent more hours than I care to count on this one so it's the least you can do dammit ;)
<p>After printing I discovered that the inner part would not fit into the outer part (too big). What am I doing wrong? I am a total newbie so please dont shoot me if this is a dumb question... Beautiful design!!!</p>
about 10 years
I love this one! I have printed three so far :) I will post a picture tonight.
over 10 years
Hey, I've been using this as a geocache ( <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5CD0Y_het-labyrint">http://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5CD0Y_het-labyrint</a> ) for a few weeks, and due to the loose fit , the geocachers managed to wear the stud out of the outer shell.
Is it possible to uplooad one with a more narow fit? (.3 or so between the cyninders, and a close fit stud). Or upload the source files?<div>I'm printing one now at 99% to fix it.<br></div>
over 10 years
this is so cruel. I love it.
over 10 years
Thanks mutrax. Your comment came a bit late for me. I printed one day after my comment. I printed the lid of the gift box with the standard settings and a shell/bottom and top thickness of 0.8 mm and 100% infill while printing 0.1mm layers with a speed of 50mm/s. The result was pretty good.
The bottom of the gift box was printed with the same parameters (for shell thickness and infill etc.) but with a speed of 30 mm/s.
The result was pretty good aswell and lid and bottom fit together pretty nicely.
Thank you for your help though, even if it was a bit late haha.
over 10 years
Standard cura settings will do fine... Just increase the fill andere maybe shell/bottom/top thickness.
over 10 years
I want to print this but I'm unsure about the parameters. Any help?!
over 10 years
I printed this yesterday (will add a picture later). When the box is closed it doesn't quite click into the closed position (even though it's supposed to do that looking at the print). There is also quite some vertical play when the box is closed. So I'll have to add some kind of rubber ring to make it a friction fit. It's really a minor issue though, the design of this thing is fantastic. I printed my top part a bit too hot so the bevel is a bit messy, but nothing a piece of sandpaper can't fix.
I noted down the solution before closing it, so I cannot comment on how hard it is to open. Guess my victim will have to find out :)
Thank you for this design, it's not something you mock up in an evening!
over 10 years
Hey, I'm planning to use this one for a geocache....
See https://www.youmagine.com/designs/geocache-holder-for-labyrinth-gift-box
over 10 years
One requirement is also the constant cross section of the filament. And a fine layer height will help with making the surface nice and smooth.
over 10 years
Don't forget that images can be deceptive. The images here on Youmagine are so small that it's difficult to see imperfections.
But in general though it's often a matter of printing slow to get great results. The faster you print the worse the quality gets (simplified).
over 10 years
How do you guys get your prints so nice? I have an UM2 and I've never gotten a finish like that. Is it "post processed"?
Jeroen van Zijp
over 10 years
This is awesome! Can't wait to print it.
about 11 years
Yes, that is the intended size. But you can always scale it down if you want to.
about 11 years
Great idea. @Eric, that's huge, is it meant to be that big? I was envisaging something the width of a cash note.
about 11 years
I solved it, and I like it :)
about 11 years
"I didn't have enough time to solve it" I like the sound of that :D
about 11 years
Yes, I printed this!!! I didn't have enough time to solve it (got a new born baby at home) but I'm printing more of these soon!! It's a great gift to give!
Here's the obligatory picture: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/xao4e3jbwzvfr5g/Screenshot%202013-12-16%2015.56.52.png" target="" rel="">https://www.dropbox.com/s/xao4e3jbwzvfr5g/Screenshot%202013-12-16%2015.56.52.png</a>
about 11 years
Way cool. One of my favorite things i've printed so far. It took awhile to get it off once I got it on. Other than some banding i'm fighting on my printer, it printed great.