This is a polargraph
(drawbot) "gondola" for drawing "light paintings" with an LED. It uses the polargraph's "pen lift" servo to turn the LED of and on, so no changes to your
polargraph's firmware is necessary.Info about polargraphs can be found here:
Light paintings are slow shutter speed photos, usually in a dark
environment with moving light sources (or a moving camera). With this
gondola and a polargraph, you can render photos or SVGs (vector art)
with a small dot of light. Slowly.
Parametric Battery Clip by holgero was the basis for my battery holder.
Thanks, holgero! I rebuilt the mesh entirely and changed the design
somewhat, mostly to make wiring easier and battery removal less a
struggle. 9G Servo in OpenSCAD by TheCase was used for size reference, and is included in the .blend file. Thanks, TheCase!
- Micro Servo
- Wire (I found stranded easier to use than solid)
- 5mm LED
- A resistor (of a value appropriate for changing 3V to whatever is safe for your LED)
- A potentiometer (10mm square, mine is 10k ohm)
- 2 AA batteries
- A polargraph (either a kit by Sandy Noble, or made with an Arduino and adafruit motorshield - more info here:
Hopefully more instructions will be forthcoming. Questions can be asked on the polargraph forum in this thread:
Thanks for the comment, Erik. I'll try to make my own video showing the LED gondola in use (hard since it's used in the dark, but we'll see what I can do).
about 11 years
Kongorilla, very cool showcase of your technique. I think it would be cool if you include the video in the description. I know that it can be done for YouTube video's, not entirely sure about Vimeo, if so, you could include the video on this page:
it really clarifies what we're looking at :)