I included an extra version of the "island" without the holes
so you can choose where you want to place the accesories. There is also
an alternative version of the lights for when you have trouble printing
them in one piece.
Everything can be printed without supports. You won't need any glue
for assembly. I made (little) pins to connect everything on the "island"
The shortest pins are those for the "road". The two lights just slide
in, they have no pins. When connecting the wheels and axles, first
connect the wheels to the axles, then to the car body. The shortest axle
is the one for the rear. The axle assembly isn't in the video. This was
a last minute change to make it completely support and glue free.
I have printed everything at 100 microns. except for the model of the
road and the island. Those I printed at 270microns, just to speed it
up. You can print the island without infill.
This is one of many scenes I'm working on. I wanted to share this
with all of you to give me an idea what I could do better/different with
the other ones.
Feel free to tell me what you think and if your interested check out my instagram page. Its full of 3D printed stuff !