K.L.I.K. Box ends

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K.L.I.K. Box ends

Published at 2024-05-06


8 objects 18 Followers
Joined almost 11 years ago Spain


These models are part of the "KontinuumLAB Instrument Kit" project. I use these end pieces for making various box shapes for my DIY MIDI instruments. Specifically the "C-Board" capacitive keyboard, the "KLIKsophone" wind instrument and the KLIK MIDI Melodica. There are several versions of each size, with various cutouts for USB cables, calibration button and mouth piece. For full description / explanation, go to the KontinuumLAB YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSvGhrAVvAKpWMsooCTBWZQ , especially this play list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCejzxWlLD_yqMEmbW0K6Ve9W0tWj6v_s All of the KLIK instruments are meant to be built using the KontinuumLAB Instrument Kit electronics. The use of 3d printed parts is optional, all instruments can be hand-made as well. I will be selling the "K.L.I.K." kit, as well as instruments based on it, in the webshop at: www.kontinuumlab.com The 3d-printable parts include: mouth pieces, breath sensors, self-flexing melodica keys, wind instrument keys, structural pieces, end pieces for making boxes, membrane instrument "drums", string instrument fret-board sensor bases and even a fully 3d-printed MIDI ocarina. The KontinuumLAB Instrument Kit is still under development. More detailed descriptions, as well as updates and more designs will be published right here.


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