This is an improvement over the stock isolators to compensate for any skew of the Z nut. The contact patch is about the same or smaller than the original isolator while better balancing the load on the nut, as well as reducing the effect of wobble due to screw. This minimizes it as much as the MM2 stock plates allow. Make sure any flashing from the slot is cleaned up before installing, and drill out the mounting holes to 2.8mm or so. The stock screws should be fine, though a washer between the nut and mounting screw might be helpful. Turn off support material. 1mm total wall, top and bottom thickness, 20% or more infill.Make sure the top ridge doesn't have any places higher than the rest of the ridge. A light touch of sandpaper seems to fix any such flaws.Apply a thin film of silicone grease on the top surface where it contacts the metal X axis plate.