The Itty Bitty Double FLEX is the second iteration of the Clough42 Itty Bitty Double Extruder. This new version is designed to accomodate flexible filament and E3Dv6 hot ends.Key Features:- Designed for Hexagon or E3Dv6 hot ends on 27mm centers- Short, straight filament path to accommodate flexible materials- Uses the same hardware kit as the original Itty Bitty Double Extruder- NEMA 14 motors- Silent GT2 belt drives with printed pulleys- Integrated servo Z probe- Cam-lock idler bearing pins- Uses standard MakerFarm hobbed bolts- Lighter than a stock Accessible Extruder- Integrated hot end cooling- Mounting hardware for Prusa i3v printersA hardware kit is available: required hardware, assembly instructions, firmware configuration and extruder calibration:
To build the Itty Bitty Double FLEX extruder, you will need:
-Hardware kit (
-Light extruder springs (optional for flexible filaments) (
-Hobbed bolts (2)
-Hot ends (2)
-NEMA14 stepper motors (2) (
-HXT900 Servo (
-Z probe switch (recommended:
-25x25x10 fan (for Hexagon hot ends) (recommended:
-40x40x10 fan (for print cooling)