ITO Electrochemical Cell Curved 7.5mm Radius

By LeBlancResearchGroup

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ITO Electrochemical Cell Curved 7.5mm Radius

By LeBlancResearchGroup

at 2024-05-06
The general purpose of these designs are described in “Polyaniline Electrodeposition on Flexible ITO Substrates and the Effect of Curved Electrochemical Conditions”, which is published in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society (open access). DOI: 10.1149/2.0871913jes Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) D1-D3 (2019) This particular part is an electrochemical cell used with a flexible ITO electrode that can be held at this curvature using additional alligator clips at the top and double sided tape at the bottom.
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Joined over 4 years ago University of Tulsa

In the LeBlanc Research Group we are interested in a wide variety of questions. We believe that the interface between electrochemistry and materials science is a treasure trove of new science and potential solutions. Our research requires an interdisci...


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