IRONMAN LED Light/Nighlight

By JJPowelly

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IRONMAN LED Light/Nighlight

By JJPowelly

at 2024-05-02
Here's a video of it in action... is a extruded LED IronMan I printed on my dual extruder... I took a JPEG of the IronMan and traced it in Solidworks... I then extruded and filleted the IronMan and saved it as its own STL to be used in dual extrusion... I then designed a plate around the IronMan, added holes for screws and save that as its own STL... Lastly, I design a shell to go around the plate and IronMan, the shell has aligned screw holes so it can be fastened to the plate...I then printed the shell in regular ole black PLA on my Rep 2... And I did the dual extrusion using the same black PLA for the plate and I used Bendlay (link below) to print the IronMan... I used Bendlay because it is extremely translucent (91% of light passes through)...I then hooked up an RGB LED strip, wrapped it around the inner shell and hooked it up to an IR receiver so it can be controlled with a remote...I've also made the following logo's, designs for LED hookup...Bendlay Link:'s some links to other LED logos I made like this one...Batman - - - - - Trooper - Autobot - Decepticon - Robot - Robot - Logo - Kombat - Logo -
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