Intrepid Fiber (Pendant - Differential Line Growth)

By voidbubble

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Intrepid Fiber (Pendant - Differential Line Growth)

By voidbubble

at 2024-05-06
This abstract, minimalist pendant makes for a short and easy print - and looks fantastic in daylight with a natural glint (in a wide variety of PLA filaments, be it glossy, glitter, or metal-filled), or radiant at night (with glow-in-the-dark filament). The outline of this pendant was generated via a differential line growth simulation. The simulation starts with a graph of connected nodes. At each iteration, the nodes arrange themselves in new positions, determined by the balance between attraction and repulsion forces between them and their neighbours. New nodes are added whenever an edge becomes too long. The result is a continuous line that tries to cover all available space without intersecting itself.
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Recreational Mathematics. Math Art.


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