Infinite Castle Design

By GameScape3D

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10% fills supports but no rafts needed .3 layer hight lasser cut notes You can use any texture you want for laser cutting.Floors and catwalk are laser cut in one pass using 1/8th inch baltic birch ply . BMP images are raster engraved twice. Once with a half tone dither and once with no dither and a b/w threshold of 90 or so. Walls are laser engraved XLPE foam. It is laser engraved with a 40w laser at 100% speed and 75% power using a simple dither @250 DPI. It is important not to increase resolution higher as that actually doubles the cutting power of the laser.
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Joined over 10 years ago Murray, Kentucistan USA

GameScape3D is a modest design studio run Jeremy Gosser (b.1973). The studio began as an OOP resale business under the name Time Portal Games in 2012 and morphed several times before becoming a resin and digital terrain modeling proprietorship. Rebr...


a MyMiniFactory company
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