Improved Filament Run Out Sensor

By Mark_Rehorst

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About 7g of PLA or ABS, a miniature snap-action switch without a lever, a screw to lock the switch into position, and a couple screws to mount it on your printer. Solder wires to the common and NC contacts on the switch, insert a piece of filament through the body, then slide the switch into the slot with the nub in the filament hole. Listen for it to click, then tighten the screw to hold the switch in place. Pull the filament out and make sure the switch closes. Connect the wires to a switch input on your controller board and modify the config file to read the switch and pause the print when it closes.
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Joined about 10 years ago Wisconsin, USA

Former electrical engineer, I became a dentist in 2011.  I designed and built my printer, Son of MegaMax, using surplus machine parts at the Milwaukee Makerspace. My newest printer design, Ultra MegaMax Dominator, is a coreXY machine with a 300...


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