IKEA Dioder LED clips

By Aggertroll

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IKEA Dioder LED clips

What it is:Simple and effective clips to mount three of the four Dioder IKEA LED strips to the top left, right and front of your Ultimaker 1. Minimalistic, pure function. The clips do just that: clip to the frame and clip to the strips - no drilling, no bolts. The strips are angled for best illumination.  What you get: Two different clips: one larger one goes in the front as this LED strip needs to fit inside the frame. The other clip takes care of left and right strips. Best to put the side clips on the LED strip first, then slide the clips up from the bottom, clip over top. For front first fasten clips to the frame, then snap in the strip. Snug fit, won't go anywhere. Just as easy to remove.What you need to know:The side strips just barely don't fit inside the frame opening; I cut 1 mm off the little plug that connects the strip, just short of the contacts (see photo). Now it fits.About printing:Put all six pieces - 2 for front, 2 each for sides (duh!) on the bed.I reduced it down to 15% infill - works, those LEDs don't weigh much. First run I printed with brim but didn't need it.Why I didit:I looked at some of the clips and figured this would be a nice little project - my Ultimaker is one week old. Tried for minimalistic, hassle-free design - no holes to drill, no bolts, no loose ends.Drew the profile in Sketchup and initially extruded to 10mmm, but these are 8mm which is plenty. Installing the LEDs:Shortened LED connector by 1-2 mm with a metal blade jigsaw so it fits inside the side frame openings. Front strip is completely inside because the strip is too long to fit in the frame opening.Hacked the IKEA plug and took out the transformer thingy, hot glued it into bottom along with the little distributor. (I don't know enough about electronics to mess with Ultimaker's power supply.) Mounted a switchable power jack near the other inputs. Shortened cables (they were loooong) and ran them down the sleeves.So?Totally worth it.
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