I've found I've been seeing quite a lot of wobble on my aluminium plate i3 when printing. This is partly down to me printing on a wobbly table and partly due to mounting the spool on the top. So to rectify this I've made these parts which allowed me to retrofit stabilizers to the plate making everything so much sturdier.I didn't know the exact angle of the plate so I've created the parts to be flexible enough to fit anywhere from 15 degrees to 35 degrees - the median point being the rough measurement of 25 degrees which I'd measured in my setup (having just checked the actual angle turned out to be 20 degrees.There are many similar designs but none that I saw had the flexibility I wanted from my design.Enjoy.Edit: On request I've just added an M10 version if you're using M10 rods at the rear with 23mm centres.
- 2 x 400mm (ish) M10 threaded rod
- 8 x M10 nuts
- 8 x M10 washers
- 2 x 370mm (ish) M8 threaded rod
- 8 x M8 nuts
- 8 x M8 washers
- 4 x M4x16mm bolts