Huxley Ubis Hot End Adaptor

By SlimShader

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Huxley Ubis Hot End Adaptor

By SlimShader

at 2024-05-03
The hot end which originally came with my Huxley printer was always clogging and annoying me, whereas the Ubis hot end on my Printrbot just works and gives excellent results.I wanted to use an Ubis on the Huxley, so mashed up three excellent models from other designers to allow this.There are two versions of the tool support - one short and one tall.The reason for the different versions are that I wasn't sure how close I could put the Ubis to the x-carriage without it starting to melt the material, so the 'short' version is further from the carriage by around 8mm. The downside with the short version is that you lose some Z height due to the bowden tube hitting the printers top rails.In order to fix this, and gain back some Z build area, I created the 'tall' version which gives full Z height due to the Bowden passing through the middle of the rails without hitting them. In order to do this I needed to move the Ubis back, so if you're printing this in PLA I suggest using the 'short' version to avoid the tool support warping over time.In ABS, the 'tall' version is the one you need though and I haven't had any warp issues even on 12 hour print sessions at ABS temperatures.You'll need six self tapping screws, and two M3 bolts to attach it all together - the hole sizes are all M3. I suggest wrapping some Kapton tape around the top of the Ubis before mounting it - this helps take any creeping heat away from the mount, and also helps give the retaining bolts something to bite into other than the Ubis itself. Its a fairly snug fit, so this is optional.On my machine, the bowden tube has a screw fitting on the end, so I just tapped directly into the plastic and screwed it in.Big thanks go to the following Thingiverse users:tdeagan for the tool mount ( for the Triple bearing extruder mount for the ducted fan
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