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Published at 2018-03-26


207 objects 727 Followers
Joined about 9 years ago My basement in Oklahoma, US


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw8LeKPo7do UPDATE: 1) A new STLs.zip file has been uploaded with, hopefully, the corrected "Axle Gear Compound 60, 20.stl". Many apologies for the mistake I made and the delay in correcting it. Hummingbird is a hummingbird themed automata I designed for my wife, who smiles from ear to ear while feeding and watching the gathering hummingbirds at our home. Hopefully it will bring smiles to many more faces. Hummingbird consists of 97 3D printed parts (38 unique parts) and, as I discovered, requires plenty of time and patience to print, assemble and tune. Along with the 3D printed parts, Hummingbird also requires a "uxcell 16mm DC 6V 60RPM Speed Torque Gear Box Electric Motor for Robot" (available from a variety of sources), a 6vdc power source, and four 1/4" or thicker stick on felt or rubber pads (for the base). The file "Images.zip" contains all cad images and photographs included in this model. As usual, I probably forgot a file or two or who knows what else, so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask as I do make mistakes in plenty. Designed using Autodesk Fusion 360, sliced using Cura 3.2.1 and printed in PLA on both an Ultimaker 2+ Extended and an Ultimaker 3 Extended.


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almost 5 years
Hola Greg, te escribo por el motivo pedirte un favor, podrías compartir los archivos del software fusion 360, si fuese posible me serian de gran ayuda. Saludos Greg y muchas gracias, excelente prototipo.
almost 7 years
@cammolipz I'm truly sorry for the difficulties you experienced with this model. I will see what I can do for a "LEGO" version, but it may be awhile! Truly sorry again, Greg
almost 7 years
After weeks of trying, I've finally given up. I just couldn't get the 3D prints to be perfect because of shrinkage issues. Also, the bolts and nuts are just too darn tight of a fit and the gears get stuck on mine. I wanted it to work badly to an extend where I tried using LEGO wheels and though that was a good fit in size, the teeth were different at the bottom and top gears so there goes my bright idea. Hi Greg, do you think you can add LEGO gears and use real M bolts and nuts? For example, http://sariel.pl/2009/09/gears-tutorial/. It would be grand if you can and many thanks in advance.
almost 7 years
Hi Greg, thanks for your kind support and attention. Much is appreciated!
almost 7 years
I'm truly sorry for the mistake I made regarding "Axle Gear Compound 60, 20.stl" and have uploaded a new "STLs.zip" that hopefully contains the correct stl. I've been out of the country for awhile and was unable to correct the problem until now. Again, my sincerest apologies for the any problems anyone experienced due to my error. Greg.
almost 7 years
No worries Greg, you just enjoy your time while you're at it! No rush at all.
almost 7 years
@cammolipz I’m truly sorry about this. I’m out of the country until the 26th and will correct this problem immediately upon my return. Again, I’m truly sorry. Greg
almost 7 years
Could you please check to see if the file for "Axle Gear Compound 60, 20" is correct in the STL zip file? It looks like a spacer but I could be wrong. I've printed all the parts but can't find one that looks like a long axle.
almost 7 years
@UbuntuBirdy Thank you very much, I'm truly pleased that you like it! Greg
almost 7 years
WOW, man, that's IMPRESSIVE!!!

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