This tool can be used to change the nozzle of the Ultimaker 3 without breaking anything.
It's only to be used with the HardCore from 3DSolex! Use at your own risks and with caution :)
Print it in one color (or dual if you want) and slide the tool provided with the Hardcore kit.
Depending on the material you may need to apply a bit of force to insert it.
Example in the picture was printed with Biofilla Platec and Colorfabb PLA/PHA (red).
Print with some infill (at least 15% and 3 shells).
Added thin version that will print faster and easier in dual (no more vertical text).
Print on the back.
Added even thinner version with a bit more tolerance for the tool hole
Video to use the nozzle changer:
Added design with larger trumpet insert
(Compatible with the previous logo model)
--> UltraThinMainBodyLargerTrumpet.stl
Hi Didier, I have just watched your video on changing the UM3 printcore with a Hardcore nozzle from £D Solex, Great Work. Thank you, I have found the 3D printed tool here on Youmagine and am printing one at the moment, where can I find the a metal flat spanner to fit into the printed part, what are the dimensions? Your assistance would be appreciated. Regards Dave